neighbor. Nothing can replace that." — Marion Cunningham, from the introduction to Lost Recipes.
fuck ... you would have slept in a garbage bag saved everything fever sweat
it was they liked
fat formless sweat formless
Judgement ba: oh eh formless
so low it can be You could fake the run garbage bag o io Batu? in straw sauna difficult this with keyboards
2011s version of "merda d'artista"
yes but some vettu I can ba bring in my sweaty sheets and my insvettade linen hehehe
then boil the soup of sweat, invite the whole class and afterwards reveal what it was
hahaha or collect the whole class in a sauna scrub bit on all with a brush and then wring it out over agregatet then everyone will feel the smell of burnt skin! mmmm
oh, wonderfully, watering palate! gomvatten maybe can Sparta? saved
haha yes but some we should bring small cups at each place that breaks liquid there had been something spit in a cup hehe now when has cough huh lovely assså
oooo! yes! o late make cute little bottles of fine labels with body fluids
I do not think it is particularly provocative with body fluids especially when done for no reason Like, when it is done to be provocative
(There are lumps in the soup said the blind man as he drank from the Lung spittoon)
could save conversation and add it on blog who "research"?
yes damn
it is just to copy-paste Emma is not seen.
Emma is seen.
"Copy paste" copywrighterns favorite type sandwiches the graphic designer's hehe