Saturday, 19 March 2011

slowness, understanding of processes, respect for time, surviving...

ideas right now:

- during a week, eating only things I don't know what they are. Buying food I don't recognize and can't identify.
- take the left overs (peels, bones etc...) from food and cook only with them, throw away the "real" food.
- cook things that seem/sound/look really disgusting
- one film (two screens as the one I showed on thursday) where you see the meal being cooked and simultaneously being eaten.
- follow peoples lonely cooking habits, film them cooking and eating alone at their table. Set up several TV screens around a table and show the films. Leave empty chairs for visitors to sit down and share the moment.
- An entirely sponsored cooking performance, where I cook whit what have been able to get sponsored with "man tager vad man haver".
- slaughter a rabbit in an odd place, cook it and serve it.
- on a restaurant wall, show a film about how the food is made.
- try some really strange diets
- follow one of the special party meal recipes in my old cooking book (like christmas, new years eve)
-... etc...


  1. Läste i gårdagens DN att korvstoppning har blivit mycket inne, tänkte då på ditt projekt:)

  2. ja! kul att artikeln var samma dag som jag faktiskt stoppade korv!
